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A cliff path stretching from the one side of the town to the other, hugs the coastline for about 12 km giving whale watchers unlimited opportunities to study and get within 20 m of the gentle giants in the coves below or lolling just beyond the breakers. Telescopes situated alongside the Old Harbour Museum makes it possible to survey the entire Walker Bay and the whales and dolphins at close range.

The only Whale Crier in the world is not only a major attraction but keeps visitors informed as to the whereabouts of the whales as he does his rounds through town every day. Phone him on the Whale Hotline number: 079 854 0684. The sound of his kelp horn has become a characteristic of the charm of this seaside resort during the whale season.

Other excellent whale watching spots include Betty's Bay, Kleinmond, De Kelders (a favourite viewing spot when the Southeaster blows - providing perfect shelter), Gansbaai, and De Hoop Nature Reserve beyond Struisbaai that is a favourite calving area and the largest concentration of whales is often found here.

The whales seen most frequently along the Overberg coastal areas are the Southern Right whales, that have been protected internationally since 1935, but other species do make an appearance occasionally. Southern Right whales can be distinguished from other whales from its V-shaped 'blow' and the callosities which appear around its head. They start arriving in May in order to calf in the shallow water, to raise their young or to mate. Peak times for seeing whales daily is from August to November, tailing off in December. Bryde's whales live year-round on the continental shelf.


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